Industries We Serve
Anderson Hay is all about feeding the world’s most important animals. Whether it is high performing race horses, or dairy cattle, we know that high quality forage is important across all the markets, foreign and domestic. Hobby or professional.

Home and Abroad
Our hay and straw products travel near and far to fulfill the needs of diverse livestock, and every kind of farmer. After 60 years in business, we have reached over 100 ports abroad, mastered consistency and quality, and touched the lives of millions.
Through our commitment to quality and year-round service, Anderson Hay is dedicated to serving the agricultural needs of those on our home turf.

As one of the leading exporters of hay and straw products, Anderson Hay ensures top quality hay delivered in a timely manner. With countless tons of product traveling abroad every year, our reach is global.
the Hay farming Community
Anderson Hay helps connect hay farmers up and down the west coast with domestic and global markets.

Animals we feed
Alfalfa, Timothy Hay, and range of grasses helps feed the world’s most important animals from world renowned race horses to dairy cattle overseas.
Dairy cattle
Through premium selections of Alfalfa and Timothy Hay, our harvests are able to promote top digestive health, high milk production, and enhanced beef flavor.

Get In Touch
Questions about our products, exports, or production practice? Speak to one of our team members today!