About Anderson Straw
Known for its high fiber, straw is commonly used as a premier roughage and filler. Through our top selections of straw products, we deliver the highest quality feed to nourish the diets of growing and established livestock.

Our Straw Selection
Rye Grass Straw
Baled following seed harvest, this high fiber, economically priced roughage is used as livestock feed.
Fescue Grass Straw
As a coarser stemmed straw, Fescue Grass Straw is popular with dairy farmers and is successfully fed in the beef market.
Orchard Grass Straw
Like Rye and Fescue, Orchard Grass Straw is another very good roughage or filler. It has a coarser stem and is a popular source of fiber in the export market.
Blue Grass Straw
Blue Grass Straw has the highest feed value of all grass straws and is popular for both dairy and beef cows.
Want to learn more about our straw products? Contact our team for more information.
As one of the leading exporters of hay and straw products, Anderson Hay ensures top-quality hay that is delivered in a timely manner. Our reach is global with hundreds of thousands of products going out every year.

Order Grass Straw
If you would like to contact Anderson Hay about purchasing straw for your horse or livestock, please fill out the form below to get in touch with a member of our team.
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Keep up to date on our hay and straw product’s timelines with our month-to-month harvesting schedule!